Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

Lanjutan contoh etika bisnis PT.Djarum

“It is true that economic and social objectives have long been seen as distinct and often competing. Butthis is a false dichotomy…Companies do not function in isolation from the society around them. In fact,their ability to compete depends heavily on the circumstances of locations where they operate.”, Demikian ungkapan Michael E. Porter dan Mark R. Kramer dalam tulisannya di “The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Phiilantropy”, pada Harvard Business Review, December 2002, halaman 5.  Pernyataan diatas menemukan makna tersendiri bila dihubungkan dengan aktifitas yang dilaksanakan PT Djarum Kudus lewat program Djarum Bakti Lingkungan, Trees for Life ini.

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